
The little zombie cat

The second post of mine in 2016. Well done! 👏👏
Half way to the end of the year. Time flies and I feel so glad that I spent my time worthful. I learnt, I travelled, I worked.
After working I was like, YIOR damn I don't feel like wanna study. I'm so lazy to work for it. 

B'cause for the past half year, I worked as a teacher at my primary school. I had lots of fun there. Was confusing that I teached or played with them more HAHAH. I received whole table of presentssss on the Teacher's Day. And I made a wonderful conclusion 
"If you wanna be a temporary teacher, pandai pandai choose the so called season. Choose the Teacher's Day period. Then you will know the love of student."

Then the weather these days really suck. Keep raining. Lighting + thunder + big rain + strong wind = FLOOD
Almost rain every night. Don't flood that early can? It's only September ar DaiLou.

Yesterday I woke up and found a cat hiding at the outside of my house. When I went near I saw her left eyes was blind with a scar on it. Seems like it left when having a fight or got torture by human. 

The eye really looks like the zombie. Coz I  just finish the Train To Busan movie and it scared me so much Coz the movie quite appropriate with our life. Various viruses everywhere. Zika the newest virus spreaded by mosquitoe. So ma fan need beware all the time. Oh Yeah the cat called the little zombie cat.

