
Surprise after failure

I just joined I Got Talent 2019 held by ISS MMU Malacca. Well this story began from the Aureum Musicae 3.0 by MMUSIC Club. I was one of the performers and after the event finished, there's a committee came up to me and invited me to participate I Got Talent 2019 (he is the director of igottalent2019). Yeap, that's how I get involved in it. I still felt very glad and lucky to be spotted out of so many performers.

There're 11 groups of participants have been choose to their I Got Talent 2019 final round. I still remember they provide 2 ways for their audition which is face to face and video submission. Yes of course I chose video submission, coz I know myself well that I might make mistake during face to face audition **I just can't control my nervous. And I submit my video at the last minute, very - last - minute. Actually this thing almost slipped my mind, then I cincai choose one of my cover video and send it to the committee. I'm surprised I have been chosen to the final round as well lol.

Well, things didn't go as I expected. I forgot my lyrics and I loss my tempo during my performance for Igottalent2019. I wanna kill myself so much at that moment. ***Oh yeah, I'm the first performer tho . I hate to be the first to perform coz people tend to forget the first one unless you are good enough to make people remember you and I know where my level was that night. But people there were so kind, they knew you made small mistakes there but still encourage and praise my performance. I can feel their kindness tho. Thanks to those committees although I don't really know you, but you warmed my heart.

The day after that night, I received a  friend request from my lecturer and he was one of the judges of igottalent2019 as well. Okay , then he texted my right after I accepted the request. 


Yea. I can't hide my excited. I feel proud sial even I lose in the competition but still kena recognize by judge. After that day I met him up for further discussion for the event. He asked my to perform again my acoustic version of Billie Jean which I did for igottalent2019, and he'll be my bassist. 

Sometimes, one decision could lead to many unexpected outcomes.
I appreciate every single decision I made in life and every opportunity I can get. 

BTW, he said I look familiar and I said Yes coz I'm his ex student. 
***And I kena him scolded before in the class coz I sat at the last row and made a lot noise. Sorry Sir and thanks god you didn't recall this part of memory. 


2019 April -实习日开始

我该说这是充实 还是 太过忙碌呢
好吧,来说说这个实习公司的小缘份。我从12月就在很努力的发履历表,(好啦其实没有很努力就发了那几家),我自认不差但为什么没人要哈哈哈哈 当你有点绝望的时候 世界总会对我温柔一些。让我找到了一间financial consultant 职位的实习,我很满意是因为至少我知道这个位子我绝对不会只是去打杂的。就算每个月给的allowance不低 但我还真的不愿意死坐在办公室内一整天。但是她却require 我的第一个月实习需要到Muar 待上1个月进行training,住宿提供了。
不知道怎么说,当我真的快要确认了的当儿,又来了个电话。大约分析了两个公司,其实工作大纲是一样的,就在于我怎么选择而已。最后的最后,让我选择后者的主要原因是,因为她认真对我,所以我也认真对待。第一家几乎是电话interview 10 分钟 就马上要人,感觉就是“总之是人就来,我们就是需要人”。我要的是,你看到我的价值,而选择我。不是因为你缺人而拿下我。
所以现在的Supervisor 叫 Jane. 人真的 很好。第一个打动我的是,她并没有把我当实习生来看待与使用,她把她会的都传达出来,耐心指导,哪怕以后我没有在这公司继续做,她也还真的毫不吝啬自己的知识和经验。所以我也没有打算以实习生的头衔来得过且过这三个月。

这个工作,很好,好到我朋友都在怀疑我到底是在放假还是实习。我只有星期一早上一个小时和星期三晚上两小时需要到公司一趟开个小会,之后就是回去做我的weekly report 和meeting report。之后就等待supervisor 约我们见面讲解我们该懂的东西。有时就来Puchong一趟上课,学习产品知识,学习怎样分析财务管理过程。
现在进入第三个礼拜,真的很快,12个星期的实习真的要结束了。已经答应自己 一定要在这段时间好好学习。

如果之后谁有要实习的,或者当part time job 可以来找我,我介绍你过来。让你有个时间自由的工作。 :)