

倒反看人生  或许有更多发觉

自己贱上网去看成绩  我后悔  严重影响心情  觉得努力和不努力没什么差别  差别在于考试期间自己压力到睡不着  严重失眠  黑眼圈也慢慢烙印在脸上
Addmath全班不及格   我晕 ! 连第一班都有人不及格   这让我感到欣慰  我知道这样很坏  可是当自己拿到那种烂成绩的时候  心情极度不好  什么人好坏都是假的了
星期四又有开会   只能说我不是个好秘书  上次开会的报告都还没写   第一次看过这么懒的秘书   米田共

考试结束了终于   折磨了3个星期 感觉似乎麻木了  累疯了吧    一个转身倒在床上就可以一觉到天明  最讨厌就是有很多梦境   睡醒后  整个人像彻夜到处走动没有休息般一样
 感觉撑不下去时  谁会在旁给与有力的搀扶  整天嘻嘻哈哈不代表没有抱头痛哭的时候
 或许长大了 变得不那么容易掉泪  但却容易被很多事情所感动  变成感性的人  哪怕有一天一个人的一句话我也可以哭得稀里哗啦

每个人都要学会振作  不管怎样都要抬头面对  不管别人丢来什么样的眼光或是批评  得到批评表示别人有在注意你   总比那些无名小族好   虽然有时候我们只想当个平凡人  但很多时候事情都在不断的改变  我们没有办法掌控所有改变的事情  世界的所有本来就是一个未知数


Life .

Life is not “ supposed to be fair ”
Know that there is no single way that life is “ supposed ” to be .

We have to accept all the comments from the others.
If we can’t, just let go and leave away.
We know what they actually think,  and we know what we actually did too.
That’s what we called it as life .
Life is not easy like what we think . It is not simple like ABC .
It is not easy as everyday just past it with happiness and whole day with a big smile .
Isn’t what we think, what we do was all from our heart or just to let us release our tension for moment’s comfortable?
What I really need at this moment is a new situation for self to study hard, fight for the another important examination in the next year .
 Well , I hope the end of the world wouldn’t reach as the predictor said .

Try to put down all the faces and forgive who I really hate before .
No more haters appear in my life. Hope so. It is tired to hate someone for a long period. Everybody know it, give a big smile to those people beside us is better than put a lot of effort to hate someone.

Give a help to someone who really need is nothing wrong at all.
But please make sure you can done it well before you promise someone you will help he/she.
Don’t disappoint someone who really believe in you.

Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond to the imperfections.