
New Year Post

Okay well first of all happy new year! Welcome to 2016 lol

I forgot I have a date with cousin for having a dinner at Kuantan and this ruined my count down plan. Totally ruin thanks lol By the way, I checked my car before depart then I found there's some problem in the engine coolant. Damn the water flow out when I add water. But it wasn't a big deal so I just ignore it. But will send it to garage soon. Hope it doesn't matter.

Well it was a great night spent with them. And finally have the chance to take a photo with my eldest cousin Biao Ge! He is older than me for 45 years. Well actually he is older than my dad too lol kinda weird but cool.
He is kind and looks abit like a rabbit.
Feeling special when the youngest and eldest of second generation of Tan's family meet up and show up such a big distance in age.

After dinner I tried my very best to rush back to my hometown for friend's gathering count down but still can't make it. I stuck inside the traffic jam and guess what welcoming the new year inside the car with mum. Okay first try have to be proud of it coz not everyone can experience it z 

Kinda disappointed. 
Well good luck in new year everyone. Look forward in the whole new year even it was a mess in the past year. XOXO

