
Too much hope is not a good thing.

There's no such thing as luck sometimes. It is our effort that has gotten us to this, our determination. Be proud of ourselves cause we've made our parents proud. Every parents would. Never be afraid of what others might condemn because it is what we deserve.

Well, being confident in everything is good. But never put too much of hope on everything is REAL. We are human, and we won't always success and just get whatever we want. Bruhh. Now I tasted the sour *go over the corner and cry
Should learnt the lesson from this failure. Word hard is the only option. NEVER, never do this again. Never repeat the same mistake.

**And I found the way to calm myself down whenever I met problems. Take a nap. That's why i love sleeping so much. See me sleep next time? Don't try to wake me up if you are not in an emergency. Go Google your own problems. I will appreciate it.

